September monsoons in the Canyon!

September 9, 2012

August and September are “monsoon season” in Arizona.  You may be laughing to yourself if you think Arizona is all blowing sand dunes and dried up cow skulls.  Arizona is so beautiful and diverse, the high plateaus of almost 9,000 feet (North Rim) and the high meadows around Flagstaff are simply gorgeous and lush. We […]

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Hikers, this book is a Must Read.

July 27, 2012

I am reading the latest edition of: “Over the Edge: Death in the Grand Canyon” by Tom M. Myers and Michael P. Ghiglieri. I have had several versions of the book over the years, and this updated version was printed in 2012.  You can’t miss this book if you visit the Grand Canyon because it […]

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One Month After the GC 2012 Hike …

July 15, 2012

Reflections on GC 2012 …  another great Grand Canyon hike is in the rear view mirror.  The blisters are healed, and it’s back to work as usual.  It is hard to believe this was my 9th year in a row hiking, and I miss the Grand Canyon already. GC 2012 was an awesome year.  I […]

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June 6, 2012

O.M.W. Oh My Water!  The awesome Park Service turned the water back on today at Cottonwood and Roaring Springs.  It looks like water is flowing at all 8 inner canyon locations. I don’t know anything about the water quality.  Everyone still needs to bring your filter systems in case the patches don’t hold on the […]

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The Heat has arrived, but the water has not!

June 5, 2012

June 5, 2012 Update: Water services have not been restored at Cottonwood Campground or Roaring Springs.  This means we will be filtering muddy creek water as our water source for the majority of the hike.  A water filter system is absolutely mandatory.  It is my understanding that purification systems (like UV lights), or chemical treatments […]

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The Trail is Open Again – Great Job Park Employees !

June 3, 2012

Fantastic news, the transcanyon trail is back open!  We can R2R2R!  There is still not water at Cottonwood or Roaring Springs so bring your water filter systems no matter what. A big “Thank You” to all the National Park Employees who put up a temporary fix 6 days ahead of schedule, and within 2 days […]

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3 is a charm, right? 3rd Pipeline Burst!

June 1, 2012

Oh.  My.  Canyon! Well, this is a new one for me.  Three pipeline breaks in a short amount of time.  But then again, we go to the great American wilderness and it is wildly unpredictable.  The Back Country office advised there was a third pipeline break, and the press release hit the NPS website last […]

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2nd Pipeline Burst – Water Woes Update 5.31.12

May 31, 2012

Important Water Pipeline Break Update:  You Need a Water Filtration System, not just treatment tablets! I called the Back Country office today (5-31-12) to get an update on the burst pipeline inside the inner canyon. Bad news, there has been a second pipeline break.  One is by Phantom Ranch, the other is north of Cottonwood […]

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Water Pipeline Alert, and Exercise in High Heat and Low Humidity in Arizona

May 26, 2012

  Hello 2012 Grand Canyon Hikers! 2 things:  (1) GC Water Pipeline Update, and (2) Exercise in High Heat and Low Humidity 1.  There is only one water pipeline in the Grand Canyon.  According to a National Park Press Release there was pipeline break in the inner canyon near Phantom Ranch yesterday on 5-25-12.  Hikers […]

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30 days until GC 2012, 387 days until GC 2013 !!

May 8, 2012

It is that time of year again …  Canyon Crunch Time.  Excited! Hikers for 2012 have ramped up their training for the final 30 day push.  I am seeing the reports of multiple marathons, long preparation hikes, and warrior dashes (for fun) from the group.  Good job mixing up your training!  My numerous e-mails keep […]

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